Ben Olson
Weekdays, 5am – 10am; Saturdays, 10am – 2pm
1-9-1979 in the 54701 … Now in the 53081!
Done radio in:
Wisconsin… Eau Claire, Wausau, Madison, and Sheboygan! I also work for a station in North Dakota.
What you want to be when you grow up:
A bus driver, then a pirate, then a computer geek… I ended up on the radio at age 15…my parents have finally gotten over it… 25+ years later. The hours are long, but at least the pay is bad. Love what you do!
On the weekend I’m…
DJing wedding receptions and MCing local charity events.
Don’t get married without me! www.BenOlson.com ← Shameless!
Huge fan of:
The Brewers, meatballs, air conditioning, Mythbusters, diet root beer, cash, and redheads!
Best movies made:
Office Space and High Fidelity. I also own every single James Bond movie.
Can’t stand:
Fantasy movies, reality shows, untrue gossip, and made up unnecessary drama. Morning radio “shows” and“Mobile DJs” that love to hear themselves talk also annoy me. The irony!
Best vacation spot:
Either Los Angeles or New York City… I love big cities and moving traffic, but don’t really wanna live there.
Favorite thing about Sheboygan:
Localness, Lake Michigan, location, and them the brats!
Favorite quote:
“I did absolutely nothing and it was everything I thought it would be.” – Peter Gibbons – Office Space
Most famous person you’ve met:
Too many to list. Love REAL celebrities the most.
Nice – Nelson brothers, Colbie Caillat and Norah Jones…
Naughty – Third Eye Blind and Chad Kroeger…
Famous person you want to meet:
Bob Uecker, Huey Lewis and John Mellencamp
Got a crush on:
My wife, Kari Byron (Mythbusters), Norah Jones (musician), Lois Griffin (Family Guy), Danica Patrick, Reese Witherspoon, Anna Kendrick and Kristen Bell.
Cool car:
Love the new Rav4 and Jeeps…
Norah and Molly… Diva golden retrievers!
Thanks for listening! Without you I wouldn’t have a job! Follow me on Twitter! I’ll follow you back!@radiobenolson

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