The Weekend Whassup! The Point keeps you connected to the top things happening around Sheboygan this weekend!
“Explore Your Future” is a career exploration event for 1,500 Sheboygan County 10th graders… Students will learn about their personality type, strengths and weaknesses and careers they might best fit into… this week at Sheboygan Lutheran High School.
Healthy Sheboygan County, in cooperation with the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), will hold a Prescription Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, April 24th from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at three drive-thru drop-off locations throughout Sheboygan County. This is a safe, convenient and responsible means of disposal: Plymouth – Generations… Random Lake – Fire Department… Sheboygan – HSHS St. Nicholas Hospital
The 2021 Town of Sheboygan Falls Fire Department Drive-Thru Brat Fry at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church in Falls is tomorrow (SATURDAY) from 10-3.
The Random Lake Conservation Fair is tomorrow (SATURDAY) from 11am to 3pm at Random Lake High School. This is an outdoor event. Lumberjack Shows will be at 12pm and 2pm. Archery, Scavenger Hunt, Raffles and more!
There’s something for everyone at the St. Luke’s Church in Falls Rummage Sale Today (Friday) 2-6 and tomorrow (Saturday) 8-1. Cash only! Drive-Thru Brat Fry too!
There’s an Earth Day Beach Clean Up event at Deland Park tomorrow (SATURDAY) at 10am at the pavilion. Coffee and donuts provided by volunteers.