Dining in the Dark

Dining in the Dark is coming soon!
Saturday, November 9
St John the Baptist Church Hall
5:00 PM Hors d’oeuvres | 5:30 PM Seating begins | 7:30 PM Evening ends
Catered 3-Course Meal (Vegetarian & Gluten-Free Options Available)
$10 per person (October 23 cost increases to $15)
Arrive early for complimentary hors d’oeurves at 5:00 PM. The dining experience itself will start at 5:30 PM with dimmed lighting and blindfolds encouraged. Individual eye masks will be provided and gifted as a keepsake of the night. This is a family-friendly event and a night you won’t forget!
Sign up using the link: https://bit.ly/DiningInTheDark2024 or call the SJB parish office at (920) 892-4006. Reservations close on October 30.
Come for a unique and fun meal and leave with new perspectives and stories to share with others. Dining in the Dark is meant to offer a 'taste' of what it's like for those with vision loss or impaired vision … similar to our brothers and sisters with albinism. In the dark, all your senses are enhanced and eating becomes a new experience!
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