DAIRY NEWS – Next week’s episodes of The Dairy Signal® from Professional Dairy Producers® (PDPW) will highlight timely topics as fall harvest wraps up and producers begin planning for year-end and next year’s crops. Tuesday’s session will focus on meat quality and value. Join Wednesday’s conversation to learn tips and tricks for a good night’s sleep, and Thursday’s episode offers an update on markets and economic events from the AgResource team.
A few more details here:
Tuesday, Dec. 5
Dairy producers are focused on producing the highest quality milk, but what can we do to deliver higher quality meat? Tune in for this discussion comparing meat quality of crosses as well as carcass waste and other strategies to improve the value and quality of meat from our dairy animals. Episode presenter will be:
- Dr. Dale Woerner, Professor and Cargill Endowed Professor in Sustainable Meat Science, Davis College of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources, Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Texas Tech University
Wednesday, Dec. 6
A good night’s sleep is essential to physical and mental health. Join the conversation to learn tips and tricks for a good night’s sleep and how to build your own beneficial sleep habits. Episode presenter will be:
- Morgan Ekovich, Owner & Head Trainer of Get Fit with ME LLC
Thursday, Dec. 7
As you make plans for year-end and set goals for 2024, take time to learn about the export, weather, and market trends that will impact the industry and your farm. Episode presenters will be:
- Dan Basse, President of AgResource Company
Episodes of The Dairy Signal® are now accredited through Dairy AdvanCE® (DACE), enabling dairy producers, industry professionals and students to earn continuing education units for watching. Those wishing to earn up to 0.5 DACE continuing education units per episode simply complete a brief online quiz pertaining to each specific webinar, whether live or recorded. Dairy AdvanCE is an online continuing education management tool for dairy farmers and other professionals that simplifies finding, tracking and managing continuing education units (CEUs). To learn more, visit www.DairyAdvance.org. Farmers and students are eligible for a free subscription; allied industry professionals can subscribe for a one-time fee of $75.
The Dairy Signal® is a weekly series of educational episodes offering practical insights and resources for dairy farmers and food-system professionals across the value chain. Episodes air live from 12:00-1:00 PM CT each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Live sessions offer attendees the opportunity to engage in open Q&A with the speakers; recorded sessions are available shortly after episodes are aired. Access all previously broadcasted sessions at www.pdpw.org.
For more information, contact PDPW at 800-947-7379 or send an email to mail@pdpw.org. Join the conversation digitally by following @dairyPDPW and using #TheDairySignal on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Professional Dairy Producers (PDPW) is the nation’s largest dairy producer-led organization of its kind, focusing on producer professionalism, stakeholder engagement and unified outreach to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.