The Weekend Whassup for Friday, 5/17/2024! The Point keeps you connected to the top 14 things happening around Sheboygan this weekend!
Sheboygan Theater Company Presents: RENT on stage at Horace Mann Middle School with showtimes through this weekend. Rated PG-13. https://www.stcshows.org/rent
The 35th Annual Village of Cleveland Garage Sales are this weekend! Roughly 60 garage sales throughout the village with something for everyone. Friday, Saturday and Sunday 8-4! https://wxerfm.com/events/425541/
The Sheboygan A’s open their 2024 season by hosting the Play Ball Tournament. The A’s play at 11 and 3 tomorrow (Saturday). The tournament championship will begin around 5:30. You’re also invited to the 5K Run/Walk at 8 AM at Wildwood Park in Sheboygan. https://shorturl.at/efvC9
It’s SVRA Vintage Festival Weekend at Elkhart Lake’s Road America. Racing’s past comes to life this weekend showcasing sights and sounds from motorsport’s pioneering age. Three days full of a packed race and event schedule. https://www.roadamerica.com/svra-vintage-festival-weekend
The Big Sit Bird Watching Event is tomorrow (Saturday) at 11 at Sanderling Nature Center at Kohler-Andrae State Park. Bring your chair, binoculars, field guides and apps! https://wxerfm.com/events/425540/
Kick off Patio Season 2024 at the Blind Horse Winery in Kohler with their 3rd Annual Blues & Wine Fest! A weekend full of blues, food, and more! https://theblindhorse.com/event/blues-wine-festival-2/
It’s Driving Clinic weekend at The Wade House Historic Site in Greenbush. Ever wondered what it was like to drive a carriage? This entertaining and educational clinic will put you hands-on with horse-drawn vehicles. https://shorturl.at/svG46
Falls Community Church is hosting a fundraiser brat fry tomorrow (Saturday) from 10-3 at Blattner’s Piggly Wiggly Sheboygan Falls. Brats, burgers and baked goods! https://www.facebook.com/events/966068228065269
The Witch’s Market is tomorrow (Saturday) from 4-9 at Paradigm Coffee and Music in Sheboygan! Witches, Spiritualist, and Mystics! Vendors and fun for everyone! https://www.facebook.com/events/440649915323952
Plymouth Dirt Track Racing’s action packed season continues tomorrow (Saturday) night at the fairgrounds in Plymouth! Gates at 4:30! Dirt flies at 5:30! Weather permitting. http://www.plymouthdtr.com/schedule.html
Hops Haven in Sheboygan is hosting a Comedy Night tomorrow (Saturday) night with four comedians after 8pm. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=919593649954030&set=gm.1108435573707166
The Sheboygan Symphony Orchestra Presents: Titan on stage tomorrow (Saturday) night at 7:30 at The Weill Center For The Performing Arts in downtown Sheboygan. https://wc830wc.na.ticketsearch.com/sales/salesevent/15406
The Sheboygan Jetties Beach Bash is Sunday afternoon at 2pm at The Sheboygan Jetty at north beach. All kinds of vendors and free fun for everyone! https://www.facebook.com/events/966202761806559
Food trucks are back at Sheboygan’s Vollrath Park on Monday evenings (through the summer) from 4-8pm! https://visitsheboygan.com/series/sheboygan-food-truck-mondays/