The Weekend Whassup for Friday, 10/20/2023! The Point keeps you connected to the top 12 things happening around Sheboygan this weekend!
Happily Haunted Gardens at Bookworm Gardens through October is not-so-spooky FAMILY fun at the Gardens through this and next weekend! Lights, stories, scavenger hunts and costumes galore! https://www.bookwormgardens.org/happily-haunted
Deuces Wild: Dueling Pianos takes over the Weill Center For The Performing Arts in Downtown Sheboygan, tonight (Friday) at 7:30! 18 years of entertainment experience and fun! https://wxerfm.com/events/387087/
The SCIO Farmer’s Market is tomorrow (Saturday)! The market makes fresh, native produce and products available directly from farmers to residents Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8-1 in Fountain Park in Sheboygan. https://www.sheboygancountyinterfaith.org/farmers-market/
Check out spooky fun at The Sheboygan Jaycees Dominion Of Terror! Eastern Wisconsin’s premier haunted attraction at 2024 N 15th St in Sheboygan. Open Friday and Saturday nights through October! https://www.dominionofterror.com/
The Second Annual Emergency Services Chili Cook-Off at the Plymouth Town Hall is tomorrow (Saturday) from 11-3. All proceeds go to Project Angel Hugs. Just $10! Raffles too! https://www.facebook.com/events/3533696580279854
There’s a Craft & Vendor fair at M&T’s Gibbsville Orchard tomorrow (Saturday) from 9-4! KARAOKE too! Pumpkin smashing, Apple slingshots, tractor wagon rides, bounce house and more! https://www.facebook.com/events/684141170381738
Ballhorn Chapels invite you to their huge annual kid-friendly fun “Trunk Or Treat” event tomorrow (Saturday) from 1-4. Local businesses and organizations will be handing out goodies in a fun and safe way! Come enjoy hot dogs and apple cider! We will be having a silent auction, bake sale, and face painting! No cost for this event. All donations will go to the Sheboygan Police K-9 Unit. https://www.facebook.com/events/1026522685440434
Illusionist Vitaly Presents: An Evening of Wonders, tomorrow (Saturday) night at 7:30 at The Weill Center For The Performing Arts in Downtown Sheboygan. He stumped Penn & Teller twice on their hit TV show “Fool Us”. Now he’ll amaze you! https://wxerfm.com/events/387085/
Wisconsin FEAR FEST runs through October weekends at Elkhart Lake’s Road America. A handful of haunted and spooky attractions will scare you senseless! Hayride, escape room and more! https://wisconsinfearfest.com/hours/
Bulitz Pumpkin Farm is open to the public this weekend. Farm animals, pumpkins, hayrides, and seasonal treats. https://www.facebook.com/bulitzfarm/
The 4H Enchanted Forest is a non-scary event for youth of all ages, Sunday from 1-3 at Camp Riversite! Admission is a nonperishable food item for the Sheboygan County Food Bank. Activities include short skits, pumpkins, a petting zoo, hayrides, photo booth and more! https://wxerfm.com/events/394242/
Tacklin’ Cancer with 6-year-old Jocelyn is Sunday from Noon-6 at Butch & Anne’s Pine Grove! Raffles, auctions, burgers and brats, bake sale, cornhole and more! https://wxerfm.com/events/390961/