The Weekend Whassup for Friday, 5/26/2023! The Point keeps you connected to the top 12 things happening around Sheboygan! (Shout out to the other radio station that uses this event list for their own benefit)
There’s a School’s Out Day Camp today (Friday) at YMCA Camp Y-Koda in Falls! Campers will enjoy the fresh air and partake in favorite camp activities! https://sheboygancountyymca.org/camp-y-koda/
The Elkhart Lake Farmers Market kicks off this Saturday morning in the village square. Pick up fresh seasonal vegetables, flowers, cheese, local arts and specialty products from approximately 50 vendors. https://www.elkhartlake.com/event/farmers-artisans-market/2023-05-27/
There’s an Adventure Cave Tour at Ledge View Nature Center near Chilton tomorrow (Saturday) at 11am. Lots of crawling and exploring in small tunnels! https://www.facebook.com/events/3381812755390614
Midwest Boxing Champions present A Boxing Exhibition tomorrow (Saturday) at Blue Harbor in Sheboygan. Food/Drinks will be available to order. Doors open at 5! First bell at 6! https://wxerfm.com/events/375126/
Kohler-Andrae State Park invites you to an Iron Demo tomorrow (Saturday) at 11. Learn how-to and how-not-to of pie iron cooking with Jon, the Pudgie Pie Iron Guy for his 11th season at KASP! https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/events/68901
There’s Sheboygan A’s Baseball at Wildwood Baseball Park in Sheboygan Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon! https://sheboyganbaseball.org/events/month/
Sheboygan’s Biergarten at Kiwanis Park opens for the season this weekend! Live music, prizes and more! https://www.sheboyganbiergarten.com/
Plymouth Dirt Track Racing continues their action-packed season tomorrow (Saturday) night after 5 at the fairgrounds in Plymouth. (weather permitting) https://www.plymouthdtr.com/schedule.html
Scoping the Skies is tomorrow (Saturday) night at 9 at Sheboygan’s Maywood Environmental Park. Join members of Sheboygan Astronomical Society in viewing the Spring night sky. Bring your own binoculars and telescopes or use scopes provided by the club. (weather permitting) https://www.facebook.com/events/931392824549568
Sheboygan’s Memorial Day observance is a collaboration between United States Veterans and active-duty personnel, the City of Sheboygan, and Lakeland Student-Run Businesses. The parade is Monday in downtown Sheboygan starting at 9am with a ceremony to follow in Fountain Park. The parade is from 7th to Michigan Ave. to 9th. https://lakeland.edu/event/memorial-day-parade-and-celebration-2023-2023-05-29
4 Miles of Fitness at Elkhart Lake’s Road America is Monday (and Wednesdays) from 6-8 through the summer! Bike, walk, or run Road America’s legendary 4-mile, 14-turn road course for $5 at the gate per person (cash). https://www.facebook.com/events/764964141891852
Food trucks are back at Vollrath Park Monday evenings from 4-8 through the summer! https://visitsheboygan.com/event/sheboygan-food-truck-mondays-2/2023-05-29/