The Weekend Whassup for Friday, 4/28/2023! The Point keeps you connected to the top 19 things happening around Sheboygan! Shout out to the other radio station that uses this events list word for word. Thanks for listening!
Junior Achievement Of Wisconsin invites you to Sheboygan’s annual fundraiser hosted this year at Jake’s – a Lakeland Community, tonight (Friday) at 5! Craft beer, wine, and spirits tastings with culinary samples from local vendors. Live music, silent auction, bucket raffles, and games! https://bit.ly/3UYuHa5
The Plymouth Arts Center proudly presents “A Night at the Opera,” a special recital tonight (Friday) at 7:30. It’s a fundraiser for the Fine Arts and Music Departments of Plymouth High School, Sheboygan Falls High School, and the Plymouth Arts Center. https://plymouth-arts-center.ticketleap.com/a-night-at-the-opera-featuring-sherry-joseph-and-christopher-gu/
Habitat For Humanity Lakeside hopes you’ll help Raise the Roof tonight (Friday) at The Village at 170. It’s a FUNdraiser benefiting the mission of building homes, communities and hope in Sheboygan County. Join them for a family-style meal, music, live and silent auctions. https://www.habitatlakeside.com/gala.html
The Sheboygan Falls Kiwanis Autism Walk/Run is tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 8:30 at River Park in Falls. Proceeds will be used to purchase iPads for children with autism in Sheboygan County! https://bit.ly/41DyeNl
Don’t miss The Sheboygan Jaycees Dominion Of Terror’s “Terror In April”, this Friday and Saturday night at 2024 North 15th Street in Sheboygan. https://bit.ly/3oKcu3K
You’re invited to a painting party at A Million Dreamz from Noon-5 tomorrow (Saturday). They could use all the walk-in help you can provide! https://bit.ly/3HdGBqH
Wilson Elementary is hosting a Craft & Art Fair, tomorrow (Saturday) 9-2. It’s the perfect time to look for that special gift or find Spring decorations for your yard. Raffle baskets and snacks too! https://bit.ly/3H8y34z
You’re invited to a huge INDOOR Rummage, Vendor & Craft Sale at Sheboygan’s Lakers Ice Center tomorrow from 9-2. Over 70 vendors! https://wxerfm.com/events/369489/
Theater for Young Audiences presents Disney’s Frozen JR. on stage at the Howards Grove Center for the Arts with showtimes through this weekend! https://www.tyasheboygan.org/season-information
Support the Sheridan Wolves at the Sheridan Brat Fry tomorrow (Saturday) from 9-3 at Miesfeld’s Market in Sheboygan. https://www.facebook.com/events/615834410094489
The 7th Annual Shop & Sip Elkhart Lake is tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon from 1-5.. Enjoy a variety of wine tastings, treats and special offers from the shops and galleries in Elkhart Lake. https://visitsheboygancounty.com/event/shop-sip-elkhart-lake/
The Cascade First Responders and Fire Department are hosting “Safety Day” tomorrow (Saturday) from 11-3 at the Cascade Fire Department. SWAT, Drone & Dive Teams, K9 and a Flight For Life Landing. FREE hot dogs & soda! https://bit.ly/3Hb1eE9
Girls Night: The Musical is tomorrow (Saturday) night at 7:30 at The Weill Center For the Performing Arts in Downtown Sheboygan. Some of the most popular hit songs of the 80s and 90s! https://wxerfm.com/events/362646/
Sheboygan’s Lutheran High School Presents Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” musical with showtimes through this weekend at the Performing Arts Center at Lutheran High. https://www.lutheranhigh.com/pac.html
Plymouth Dirt Track Racing kicks off their action packed season tomorrow (Saturday) night at the fairgrounds in Plymouth! Racing after 5! Weather permitting. http://www.plymouthdtr.com/schedule.html
The Waldo Lions Pork Chop Dinner is tomorrow (Saturday) evening from 3-7 at Waldo Memorial Hall. Food, raffles and music! https://www.facebook.com/events/571019774967974
RCS Empowers is hosting The Great Gala Runway Show tomorrow (Saturday) night at The John Michael Kohler Arts Center in Sheboygan. See a runway show with artists, performers, and one-of-a-kind fashions. https://e.givesmart.com/events/tqS/
Join members of the Sheboygan Astronomical Society in viewing the night sky during Spring Astronomy Day! Scoping The Sky tomorrow (Saturday) night at Sheboygan’s Maywood Environmental Park. Weather permitting. https://bit.ly/3Hb47Ve
Zion Lutheran Church in New Holstein’s annual Potato Pancake Supper Sunday from 3-6. All you can eat potato and buttermilk pancake supper. Also serving: brats and hamburgers! https://wxerfm.com/events/368752/