The Weekend Whassup for Friday, 4/15/2022! The Point keeps you connected to the top 10 things happening around Sheboygan! Shout out to the other radio station that uses this list without permission… We’re honored! #busted
Sheboygan’s YMCA Camp Y-Koda in Falls hosts a school’s out day camp today (Friday) from 8-4! Camp activities all day for kids 4-13. https://bit.ly/3v58zhH
The Sheboygan County Historical Society and Museum invites you to Marvelocity: The Art of Alex Ross celebrating one of the greatest artists in the field of comic books. Now – June 25th. https://sheboyganmuseum.org/event/marvelocity-the-art-of-alex-ross/
You can help save a life with a community blood donation event at the Sheboygan County YMCA, today (Friday) 9-1. https://www.communityblood.org/
Hop into Farm Wisconsin tomorrow (Saturday) from 9-1 and join them for their annual egg hunt inside their facility, plus a variety of egg-related activities! All participants will receive some fun prizes! https://farmwisconsin.org/event/egg-hunt/
The SCIO Winter Farmers Market happens the first and third Saturdays of the month from 9-Noon, at First Congregational Church UCC. Help support the local farmers who provide fresh produce, meat, eggs, honey and more! https://www.sheboygancountyinterfaith.org/winter-farmers-market/
The Sheboygan Jaycees invite you to “Lunch With Bunny tomorrow” (Saturday) 11-1 at Sheboygan’s South High. Food and beverages, crafts, games, and raffles and photos with the Easter Bunny! https://www.facebook.com/events/786160712348928
Boy Scout Troop 825 will be hosting a fundraising brat fry at Howards Grove Piggly Wiggly tomorrow (Saturday) 10-2. Brats, burgers and baked goods! https://www.facebook.com/events/1132687457489214
There’s a Community Wide Easter Egg Hunt at St. John Lutheran School in Random Lake, tomorrow (Saturday) at 10:30. 4-H Bunnies, the Easter Bunny, baby chicks and ducklings will be there! Over 2000 eggs to find! Separate age groups too! https://www.facebook.com/events/357864616243848
There’s a Meat Raffle / 50/50 / Bake Sale fundraiser For Hayden tomorrow (Saturday) from 1-5 at Riverdale in Sheboygan. Hayden is 12 years old and recently diagnosed with High-Risk B-ALL Leukemia. It requires many rounds of Chemotherapy and treatments. https://www.facebook.com/events/488720842852035
There are LOTS of Easter Sunday Brunch options around Sheboygan this weekend! Some include (but are not limited to) The Berkshire, The Bull, The Osthoff, Town and Country, The American Club, Pine Hills, VFW Post 9156 and more!