With an unusually high number of traumas and emergency room visits, transplants and rising numbers of elective surgeries, hospitals in Wisconsin are finding supplies of blood at dangerously low levels.
Red Cross Wisconsin Region Donor Services Executive Greg Novinska put out an urgent appeal for donors to respond by scheduling an appointment to give blood, or to come to a scheduled blood drive. All blood types are needed, but donors with type-O and those giving platelets are especially important right now, as some hospitals have already slowed the pace of elective surgeries to stabilize supplies.
In Sheboygan, blood drives are held every Friday except July 2nd from 10 until 3 at the Sheboygan Trades and Labor Hall at 11th and Wisconsin Avenue, and there’s one at the Sheboygan Yacht Club from 12:30 until 5:30 on July 12th.
In Plymouth, blood will be collected on June 30th from noon until 5 at the Ladewig Zinkgraf American Legion Post 243, and at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on Country Aire Road on July 8th from 11:30 AM until 5:30 PM.
Appointments can also be scheduled by visiting online at RedCrossBlood.org