Data from the Sheboygan County Division of Public Health and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services indicate a fairly level rate of activity on many aspects of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic here.
While the State is displaying a 25% positive change in the trajectory of active cases over the past two weeks, Sheboygan County showed no significant change. The percent positive average here over the past seven days was 6.2%, having experienced a short peak of 7% one week ago; Wisconsin overall was still lower at 3.8%, unchanged compared to a week ago.
After reaching a low 7-day average of 363 new daily cases in Wisconsin on March 11th, that statistic rose to 808 on Thursday. For comparison to the state, on March 13th in Sheboygan County we had a seven-day average of new cases of 13. On the most recent day of statistics for Sheboygan County – April 13th – the figure had dropped to 9.
By the numbers, 23 new cases reported on Thursday in Sheboygan County overcame the 18 recoveries to push the active case county up by 5 to 182. 13,503 cases in all have been tabulated here. The county’s hospital population rose by 2 to four COVID patients. Deaths remained unchanged at 134.
24% of Sheboygan County Residents have now been fully vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, while 37.5% have received at least one dose of vaccine.
Wisconsin has now recorded a total of 588,594 cases of COVID-19, with 943 added today. 3 more deaths were recorded, putting the toll at 6,690. 56 more persons became hospitalized since Wednesday, and after accounting for deaths and discharges the state’s COVID patient population dropped 24 to 293, 76 of those in ICU beds. That’s the most patients since a low of 208 was reached on March 22nd when the downward trend then reversed.
15 Sheboygan County Facilities are currently hosting active investigations for outbreaks of COVID-19. Two of those are long-term care facilities, one is a group housing facility, four are non-healthcare workplaces, and 8 are educational facilities.
The skilled nursing long-term care facilities with active investigations are:
- Rocky Knoll
- Sunny Ridge
And the education settings with active investigations are:
- Horace Mann Middle
- Lincoln Erdman Elementary
- Sheboygan Falls Elementary
- Sheboygan Leadership Academy
- Sheboygan North High
- Sheboygan South High
- Sheridan Elementary
- Wilson Elementary