by Kevin Zimmermann
(WHBL) – A duo of Plymouth High School graduates has been honored with a second place prize in the National FFA Agriscience Fair. Dallas Kreisa and Anna Seifert competed this past July in the event in which students use scientific principles and emerging technologies to solve complex problems related to agriculture, food and natural resources. Their experiment dealt with “The Effects of Adding Hydrogen Peroxide to a Water Culture Hydroponic System to Grow Lettuce.”
Their project, under guidance from Plymouth High agriscience and biology teachers, was judged virtually instead of at the National FFA Convention due to COVID-19. They learned the results of the national contest during a live presentation October 28th. Dallas participated in the convention from the Food Science & Ag Center at Plymouth High, while Anna Seifert, who is battling cancer, participated from her hospital bed. Three other Plymouth Alumni were honored with the American FFA Degree, something that less than 1 percent of FFA members achieve. The three were 2019 grad Anna Kitzerow and 2018 grads Bryce Ladwig and Bradley Mauk.